
To serve all my days
To serve all my days

to serve all my days

“Our group was able to form intimate friendships not only through the tasks but also through simple activities, such as exploring the area and going for walks. Despite numerous obstacles such as the painting gun not working and dust storms, we were able to persevere and work together,” said Nina Devaney ’24. “Building the greenhouse was a lot of fun, but it was also a lot of work. Adrian Castillo Navarro ’24 and Victoria Sardegna ’22 work on the frame of a greenhouse. Not only is the school located in a food desert, it sits in an actual desert, so the school had been very excited to get this project off the ground. Julie Tonnesen, Elon LEAF campus minister, Elon students worked all week to lay the foundation and build a greenhouse for the school. Led by Leah Breindel, assistant director of Catholic Life at Elon, and Rev. The pre-K through 8th grade catholic school serves primarily the Native American communities surrounding the school, and at which most students attend on scholarships and school-sponsored assistance. In New Mexico, the student group stayed and worked at St. These were the first trips successfully held since 2019, as all university spring break travel had been canceled the past two years due to COVID-19. Projects for CCM were set up in San Fidel, New Mexico, which is an hour west of Albuquerque, and Arecibo, Puerto Rico.

to serve all my days

From March 13 to March 19, Elon Catholic Campus Ministry (CMM) sent a total of 24 students and staff leaders on their annual spring break service trips.

To serve all my days